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Life at Gabriel

We believe at Gabriel that great workplaces do not evolve overnight and that conscious efforts are required to develop a sense of belonging. One important aspect of the work culture is the mutual respect among employees. While we ensure that the work is challenging in a positive way, we also ensure that our business is interspersed with elements of fun through sports, celebration of festivals and opportunities for employees’ engagement. Additionally, we make constant efforts to involve the family members of employees. After all, our endeavour is to create a workplace where people look forward to come every day and get inspired to achieve great things together. This is perhaps the reason behind our company being one of the best places to work in India on a consistent basis.

Culture at Gabriel

One more important aspect is our constant effort to make the employee families a part of the whole story in any way that we can. In the end, all our actions are focused on creating a workplace where people look forward to coming every day and are inspired to achieve great things together. And that is why, we have consistently been among India’s Best Places to Work! Learn More

People Development


People Development

We believe that our business mostly revolves around the people. All of our actions are aligned to nurture our talent. We provide opportunities for employees to learn, practice and perform. There are myriad options for higher education, technical training, leadership development programmes, soft skill development and cross-functional exposure for each segment of the organisational pyramid. Learn More

Shopfloor Excellence


Shopfloor Excellence

A collective endeavour of our trained workforce combined with world-class practices results in excellence, which is a continuous journey at ANAND. A responsive and agile team unceasingly raises the performance bar. Almost 15% of Operating Engineers (OEs) specialise in various functions (such as maintenance) through ANAND’s specialised training for operating engineers (STOE). Additionally, the ANAND Heijunka production system, which is built on world-class manufacturing practices, provides a framework for shopfloor excellence. Learn More

Great Place To Work®

Great Place To Work®

Gabriel India has been recognised as India’s Best Companies to Work for – 2018 by the Great Place to Work® Institute for the fourth consecutive year. Gabriel has been ranked 89th in Large-Size organisation category amongst India’s Top 100 companies, and also one among the best in Auto Component industry.



Enquiry Form

At Gabriel, we hire for careers and not for jobs.

We lay equal emphasis on the character attributes and cultural fitment of an individual along with practical skills, work experience or specialized knowledge. Driven by the ANAND Way, it is the glimpses of our core values we seek in our prospective employees.

If you feel you have it in you to go the extra mile, come join hands with us.